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1-877-332-7614Drug and alcohol treatment in Heart Butte is going to be the most efficient process if someone has the opportunity to completely invest themselves in it. Short-term and outpatient facilities in Heart Butte may be the most appealing choice because it seems like a fast and convenient solution, but neither have very high rates of success at helping clients due to insufficient intensity and amount of treatment offered at such facilities. As an example, anyone who has recently abstained from alcohol or drugs may have cravings for many months, and after four weeks these cravings may still be very extreme. To send someone home at this point is setting them up for failure as well as an inevitable relapse. Here is the typical outcome after brief stints in alcohol and drug treatment in Heart Butte, but one which can be avoided if a quality inpatient or residential facility in Heart Butte is chosen instead of a more seemingly convenient choice. So speak with a drug and alcohol treatment counselor in a drug treatment facility in Heart Butte today which provides inpatient or residential long-term rehab to hear about the benefits of choosing this type of program.
If someone outright refuses to go to drug treatment in Heart Butte, this doesn't mean they don't want help. Their hesitancy to go to alcohol and drug treatment in Heart Butte may just be because they're scared about the prospect of needing to cope through life without drugs after they have done so for so long, or it may be because they must be responsible for anything that transpired through the course of their addiction that may be extremely overwhelming. An intervention is usually necessary to help them overcome these fears as well as their hesitancy, to allow them to possess a quality lifestyle that doesn't depend on chemicals. Speak with an interventionist or alcohol and drug treatment counselor in Heart Butte to hold a drug intervention straight away.
Land Demographics, Heart Butte, MT.
Area: 258.24 Sq. MilesHeart Butte Education Demographics
In Elem School: 221 (46.53 %)Household and Income Statistics in: Heart Butte, MT.
Households: 279 Households%: 100.00 %Heart Butte, Montana does not have any local treatment facilities. We have searched for and provided treatment facilities in cities near you. If you need further assistance you can call at any time to speak with a certified drug and alcohol counselor.
Crystal Creek Lodge Treatment Center is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Outpatient Drug Rehab Program, Short-Term Drug Rehab with a focus on Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Treatment for addicts with Hiv/Aids, Treatments for addicts that are LGBT, Treatment for Seniors, Drug and Alcohol Programs for Pregnant Women, Treatment for Women, Treatment for Men, Dui/Dwi Offenders, Criminal Justice Clients. The address is 807 Piegan Street Browning, MT. 59417 and phone number is 406-338-6330 x6327.
Payment forms accepted are Medicaid, Payment Assistance.
Center for Mental Health is located at 514 South Front Street Conrad, MT. 59425. This is an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program specializing in Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Treatments for addicts that are LGBT, Treatment for Seniors. They accept Self Payment, Medicaid, State Financed Insurance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance, Sliding Scale Payment.
The phone number is 406-278-3205.
Kalispell Regional Healthcare is a Partial Hospitalization/Day Treatment with a focus on Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Treatments for addicts that are LGBT, Criminal Justice Clients. The address is 7325 Highway 93 South Lakeside, MT. 59922 and phone number is 406-844-2890.
Payment forms accepted are Self Payment, Medicaid, State Financed Insurance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance.
Kalispell Regional Behavioral Health is an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program that can be reached at 406-756-3950. They specialize in Drug and Alcohol Treatment and accept the following forms of payment: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance, Military Insurance.
They are located at 200 Heritage Way Kalispell, MT. 59901.